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发布时间:2023-08-28 来源:http://www.hhqhq.com/

密封性能 :岩棉夹芯板采用了流水线生产工艺,从而利用了聚氨酯产品优异的防水性克服了岩棉易吸水潮解的缺点,在物理性能上有效延长了产品的使用寿命。
Sealing performance: The rock wool sandwich board adopts an assembly line production process, which utilizes the excellent waterproof performance of polyurethane products to overcome the disadvantage of easy water absorption and deliquescence of rock wool, effectively extending the product's service life in terms of physical properties.
Good stiffness: Its material is bonded with two layers of steel plates to form a whole, working together. In addition, the surface of the roof panel is corrugated and shaped, and its overall stiffness is much better than the on-site composite plate with rock wool (glass wool) sandwiched on the profiled plate. After being fixed with purlins through connectors, the sandwich panel greatly improves the overall stiffness of the roof and enhances its overall working performance. Selecting rock wool sandwich panels can use larger purlin spacing, thus saving 1/3 to 2/3 of the purlin usage.
Reasonable buckle connection method: use concealed buckle connection method to avoid the hidden danger of water leakage at the joints of the roof panel and save the amount of accessories. Fix with M6 self tapping screws and purlins to effectively resist external forces such as typhoons. The tapping screw is set at the peak position between the joints of the two roof panels, using a waterproof structure to avoid the occurrence of waterproof thin spots.
Short installation cycle: As there is no need for secondary processing on site, it not only keeps the surrounding environment clean and does not affect the normal operation of other processes, but also shortens the installation cycle of the board. The average daily installation area of the rock wool sandwich board is 600-800m2.
Anti scratch protection: During production, polyethylene adhesive protective film can be pasted on the surface to avoid scratches or wear on the surface coating of the steel plate during transportation and installation.
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With the summary on the Jinan rock wool board, I hope it can be helpful to our customers. If you have any questions or need help, please click on our website: http://www.hhqhq.com Or call for consultation, and we will do our best to solve it for you