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发布时间:2022-10-27 来源:http://www.hhqhq.com/

Compared with other building materials, steel has greater strength and stiffness, but it is still a material with a very large proportion. If steel and wood structures, reinforced concrete structures and other structures use rectangular section members, their weight will be very heavy, the cost of materials will be expensive, and lifting will become difficult. Therefore, due to the high rigidity and strength of the steel itself, the commonly used members are H section steel, angle steel and other section steel made by rolling and folding bending. Next, Jinan section steel manufacturer will talk about why the steel structure should use H section steel.
Steel structure is a kind of high cost - effective structure type of high-rise buildings, especially in seismic regions. Steel frame braced structure is widely used in high-rise steel structure buildings, because it can better coordinate the mechanical performance of the frame and brace, and has good seismic performance and greater lateral stiffness. The steel frame mainly includes central support, eccentric support and energy dissipation support. Frame.
Under what circumstances must H section steel be used for steel structure elevator shaft? It is to directly use steel plates as shear walls and make stiffeners in the holes. The use of H-shaped steel is also a way for the column in the steel frame structure to fall to the elevator shaft. If the height thickness ratio exceeds the standard, H-shaped steel is used. Basically, this kind of bottom layer with large net height is used.
What is the difference between H section steel and round steel for steel frame supporting steel structure column?; The difference between H-shaped steel and round steel for steel structure columns is that, with the same cross-sectional area, the tensile and compressive capacities are the same, but the bending capacity is much larger than that of round steel in the main axis direction, so H-shaped steel is more commonly used for columns.
As there is a 150 ton concentrated load at the midpoint of the load-bearing platform, the steel frame support must meet the structural strength requirements, as well as the structural air volume requirements, and also consider the impact of dynamic load (or static load is not specified). Only when detailed and specific load conditions are proposed, can designers confirm and select appropriate methods by comparing structural schemes and detailed structural calculations.
以上就是关于钢框架支撑为什么用h型钢问题的讲解内容了,您对此有什么事项咨询就来我们网站钢框架支撑为什么用h型钢 Why is h-shaped steel used for steel frame support 钢与其他建筑材料相比强度及刚度较大,但仍然是比重非常大的材料。如果钢与木结构、钢筋混凝土结构等一样采用矩形截面构件,其重量会很重,材料造价昂贵,吊装也变得困难。因此,由于钢材本身刚度、强度大,常用构件采用滚轧、折叠弯曲制作而成的H型钢、角钢等型钢。下面济南型钢厂家来讲讲钢结构为什么要采用H型钢。 Compared with other building materials, steel has greater strength and stiffness, but it is still a material with a very large proportion. If steel and wood structures, reinforced concrete structures and other structures use rectangular section members, their weight will be very heavy, the cost of materials will be expensive, and lifting will become difficult. Therefore, due to the high rigidity and strength of the steel itself, the commonly used members are H section steel, angle steel and other section steel made by rolling and folding bending. Next, Jinan section steel manufacturer will talk about why the steel structure should use H section steel. 钢结构是高层建筑的一种成本效益高的结构类型,尤其是在地震区。钢框架-支撑结构在高层钢结构建筑中应用较多,因为它能更好地协调框架和支撑的受力性能,具有良好的抗震性能和较大的抗侧向刚度。钢框架主要有中心支撑、偏心支撑和消能支撑等??蚣?。 Steel structure is a kind of high cost - effective structure type of high-rise buildings, especially in seismic regions. Steel frame braced structure is widely used in high-rise steel structure buildings, because it can better coordinate the mechanical performance of the frame and brace, and has good seismic performance and greater lateral stiffness. The steel frame mainly includes central support, eccentric support and energy dissipation support. Frame. 钢结构电梯井用钢在什么情况下须使用H型钢?就是直接用钢板做剪力墙,并在孔内做加强筋。使用H型钢也是钢架结构中柱子倒向电梯井的一种方式。如果高厚比超过标准,就是使用H型钢,基本上这种大净高的底层才使用。 Under what circumstances must H section steel be used for steel structure elevator shaft? It is to directly use steel plates as shear walls and make stiffeners in the holes. The use of H-shaped steel is also a way for the column in the steel frame structure to fall to the elevator shaft. If the height thickness ratio exceeds the standard, H-shaped steel is used. Basically, this kind of bottom layer with large net height is used. 钢框架支撑钢结构柱用H型钢和圆钢有什么区别?;钢结构柱用H型钢和圆钢的区别在于,在横截面积相同的情况下,抗拉、抗压能力相同,但抗弯能力,H型钢在主轴方向上要比圆钢大得多,所以H型钢更常用于柱。 What is the difference between H section steel and round steel for steel frame supporting steel structure column?; The difference between H-shaped steel and round steel for steel structure columns is that, with the same cross-sectional area, the tensile and compressive capacities are the same, but the bending capacity is much larger than that of round steel in the main axis direction, so H-shaped steel is more commonly used for columns. 由于承重平台中点有150吨的集中荷载,钢框架支撑除满足结构强度要求外,还必须满足结构风量要求,同时还要考虑动载(或静载不规定)的影响。只有提出详细而具体的荷载条件,设计者才能通过比较结构方案和详细的结构计算,确认定并选择合适的方法。 As there is a 150 ton concentrated load at the midpoint of the load-bearing platform, the steel frame support must meet the structural strength requirements, as well as the structural air volume requirements, and also consider the impact of dynamic load (or static load is not specified). Only when detailed and specific load conditions are proposed, can designers confirm and select appropriate methods by comparing structural schemes and detailed structural calculations. 以上就是关于钢框架支撑为什么用h型钢问题的讲解内容了,您对此有什么事项咨询就来我们网站http://www.hhqhq.com看看吧! The above is the explanation of why the steel frame is supported by h-shaped steel. If you have any questions, please come to our website http://www.hhqhq.com Look!看看吧!
The above is the explanation of why the steel frame is supported by h-shaped steel. If you have any questions, please come to our website http://www.hhqhq.com Look!