公司动态 所在位置- 首页-新闻中心-公司动态高频焊T型钢变形的预防方式


发布时间:2023-09-25 来源:http://www.hhqhq.com/

1. Prepare for high-frequency welding of T-shaped steel stiffness, welds, etc., so that the entire steel can achieve harmony rather than highlighting a single function.
2. Pay attention to the welding sequence of section steel, such as welding the main weld before welding the secondary weld or welding with large shrinkage, etc. Develop a reasonable welding sequence to ensure that the entire process can proceed in an orderly manner.
3. For some large-sized steel sections, methods such as segmented, layered, and intermittent welding can be used. When implementing these methods, the frequency and speed of high-frequency current should be controlled to keep them in the same state all the time.
4. If a large section steel component exhibits asymmetry, the section steel that makes up it must be corrected first, and then assembled and welded to ensure overall stability. Frequent reactions during welding can effectively counteract deformation.
Prevention is definitely a better method than solving problems afterwards. It can essentially nip problems in the bud and nip out those signs, which is both convenient and practical. So don't hold onto the mentality of waiting for problems to arise before solving them, perhaps you will find out it's already late by then.
以上就济南型钢厂家为大家介绍的内容,感谢您在百忙之中查看我公司的信息内容 http://www.hhqhq.com,如果您想要了解的更多,欢迎您来电进行咨询!
The above is the introduction of Jinan section steel manufacturer for everyone. Thank you for taking the time to check our company's information content http://www.hhqhq.com If you want to learn more, welcome to call for consultation!